



Structured documentation of findings is essential for modern medicine. It enables efficient process control, facilitates statistical analysis, allows for guideline-compliant documentation, promotes semantic interoperability, and helps to improve patient care. In practice, however, structured reporting can be challenging to deploy in day-to-day clinical scenarios. 

calliDoc is the akedis Innovations solution for structured documentation, accessible to all clinical departments. It is a web-based platform that enables healthcare professionals to build their own documentation templates, tailored to their needs, without technical expertise.

Developed as a very user-friendly web-based reporting solution by physicians for physicians, calliDoc simplifies and accelerates the documentation of reports, giving physicians more time to focus on patients. Through an integrated self-learning semantic network that works in the background, users are constantly supported with documentation, efficient process control, and much more. 

akedis calliDoc interface. Example of worklist with templates for specific examinations.

calliDoc pays particular attention to standards and interoperability, which is why all templates comply with HL7 FHIR standards. Therefore, they can be easily interchanged with other systems. 

Thanks to a close integration with synedra AIM medical universal archive, seamless documentation processes can be realized for all imaging procedures.

A unique feature of calliDoc is the possibility for authors to share the templates they design with the calliDoc community. This exchange represents a further advance in medical reporting standardization, which benefits everyone in the healthcare field. As an added incentive, akedis offers a revenue-sharing model for template authors who share templates they develop with the community. 

For further information on calliDoc visit our FAQs section or request a demo with one of our experts.  

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